Thursday 20 December 2007

Not so mobile chicken tractor

What went wrong? I didn't trust my own design abilities. Not having kept hens before I felt others would know best but I should have trusted my instincts after reading up on their needs and kept it simple and moveable. The result is that it is too heavy and very awkward to move to new positions needing at least two people and two long branches to insert under it. The hens seem happy with it though - so they should be after seeing what other hens are kept in. SO far no foxes have broken through and it has kept them safe from the birds of prey that took three of them when they were free range.

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The Journey Begins

In actual fact the journey began some time ago. The Design course has reinforced decisions that had already been made and given me the tools to put together some sort of plan to make that first step a little less daunting. I returned from the two week course today and although extremely tired I have been so motivated not just by the course, but by the people I had the good fortune to meet, that I have created this blog. I owe a great deal of thanks to those people, for their inspiration, support and a great deal of laughter. I'm not sure what the outcomes will be, but I am sure it will be an interesting journey and welcome you to join me.