Saturday 23 November 2013

Trip to the Oriente

Spent 4 days and 3 nights in the Napo region of Ecuador with Y5/6 children.  The community of Rio Blanco really looked after us and it was a wonderful experience being led through the rainforest by their elder and shaiman - Fabio.  He taught us different survival skills and gave us different plants and lemon ants to eat among other things.

 The Camp.
 The Rio Napo and the boats waiting to take us down river.

 A Capibara.

How to get a snack in the rainforest!

Fabio from the Rio Blanco community who had a wealth of knowledge.

The Rio Blanco community.

 Children playing football.

 Birds nests.

 A butterfly emerging.

 All over we saw piles of wood that had been cut and extracted from the forests.

 The road had just been built in the last few years and Fabio described some of the negative influences that it had brought with it such as alcoholism and the easy access to alcohol.

This ancient Ceibo is over 400 years old and the locals believe that it is the source of the Amazon river.

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The Journey Begins

In actual fact the journey began some time ago. The Design course has reinforced decisions that had already been made and given me the tools to put together some sort of plan to make that first step a little less daunting. I returned from the two week course today and although extremely tired I have been so motivated not just by the course, but by the people I had the good fortune to meet, that I have created this blog. I owe a great deal of thanks to those people, for their inspiration, support and a great deal of laughter. I'm not sure what the outcomes will be, but I am sure it will be an interesting journey and welcome you to join me.