Tuesday 24 June 2008

The plants - what´s doing well

We put the potatoes in and even though we were told it was the wrong place, wrong time, wrong method etc they seem to be doing well. There is a bit of blite on the leaves but having taken a peep at my neighbours who is the champion of all potato growers and he religiously sprays them every so often with Bordeaux mix we are quite pleased with our result.

The trees have all taken and I am especially pleased with the walnuts and Ginko. The tree seedlings of Ginko and Monkey Puzzle have also taken so should have some more to plant in the future.

Strawberry plants have been brilliant - I never knew they were so easy and we have strawberries everyday now. I planted some in between onions and garlic as well having read that they were good companions and they seem to be getting along fine.

The Clary Sage loves this climate and managed to survive below zero temperatures during winter so that was a nice suprise.
I returned to the UK for a much need break. After being here for over a year it was time to see friends and family. It was lovely and some questions about Permaculture and how it fits in practically to everyday living have surfaced which I´ve been debating with some PC friends.
The bees have had a hard time this year to catch up on their food. It has been a very wet Spring so their time out has
been limited. A neighbour caught a swarm while I was in the UK and left it in a spare hive for me. They seem to have picked up now the sun has arrived but I still don´t think they
are at their strongest. I read recently about Biodynamic beekeeping and how important it is
not to disturb the hive at all because it is like a whole body. As soon as you open it up, smoke it, place treatments of any kind in it you are disturbing the natural equilibrium of the hive body. They recommend leaving the bees well alone for them to build up their own natural defense system and that natural selection will leave the truly resistant varieties to serve future generations. This bee in the picture seems to be doing very well!

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The Journey Begins

In actual fact the journey began some time ago. The Design course has reinforced decisions that had already been made and given me the tools to put together some sort of plan to make that first step a little less daunting. I returned from the two week course today and although extremely tired I have been so motivated not just by the course, but by the people I had the good fortune to meet, that I have created this blog. I owe a great deal of thanks to those people, for their inspiration, support and a great deal of laughter. I'm not sure what the outcomes will be, but I am sure it will be an interesting journey and welcome you to join me.